The civil service aspirants need to be enamored of the concern of the nation and the society of the nation which they will need to govern once selected to the heady portals of the pristine Indian bureaucracy. The Indian societal concerns mark the parameters of social development and national progression. The manner in which the society is constructed in the realm of classes, interest groups, lobby stocks and castes needs to be studied if an official has to get a meaningful grasp over the dynamics of governance and public policy. An idea of “retaining balance” in the societal and political system can be conveniently achieved if the stock of societal nitty gritty is imbibed timely by the aspirant.
The differentiation between the agrarian classes, industrial classes and middle classes needs to be underlined as prominent sectors of study. The seamless web of class stratification and the role played by the different classes impacts the instruments of public welfare and now the Modian instrument of entrepreneurial development in the society.
The manner in which the advent of Renaissance and the modernity zeal impacted social development in the Eurocentric understanding of the international system too presents a new area of discovery in the realm of development and sustainability. The processes through which the objectivity and the scientific temper of positivism influenced the human progression too needs to be studied in the true sense of the term which spawned the governing classes and the entire bureaucratic structure in human civilization.
The concerns over the connection and the indelible sync between the edifice of religion and Governance too forms a prominent part of the entire learning exercise of the future mandarins of the nation. The questions about the role of religion and the practical position it can be accorded too forms a staple fare of the study of society in the nation along with the norms of the challenges faced by the religious minorities.
The history of the social movements such as the women movements, backward classes and the Dalit movement along with peasants and labour movements, too form a key part and parcel of the entire edifice of reformative zeal in the nation. The Britishers subdued the nation but the western knowledge systems definitively prepared a premise for the betterment of the tale of social development.
This section traces the development and growth of modernity, resultant urban settlements and evolution of modern industry in the nation which serves as a foundational stepping stone to the larger trajectory of growth. As growth was achieved tangibly in the initial days of the industrial society, the larger concerns of labour issues, the rise of the workers and the deprivation felt by the oppressed classes too emerged as prominent concerns in the national mission and objectives as the tenets of democratization and citizenship too forms a key area of study and operation.