Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA)
Sponsored by the Department of Personnel and Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Government of India, the 50th Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA) is a ten months’ programme, designed for senior officers of the All India Services, Central Services, Defence Services, Technical Services and officers of State Governments.
The Programme is a unique blend of theory and practice that gives the participants exposure to the associated concepts, skills, and techniques. It also provides an opportunity for peer-group learning. The purpose is to enhance the sensibilities, sensitivities, and capabilities of the participants to explore innovative options and choices. The programme develops a critical analysis of policy and service delivery mechanisms at inter-governmental, national, regional, and/or at the levels of local government. It aims at honing practical knowledge and skills to deal with management and policy analysis issues across the spectrum of governance.
About 1551 administrators/officers from All-India and Central Services including those from the armed forces and a few foreign countries and teachers of Indian Universities have participated in the programme since 1975, the year of its inception. A good number of APPPA participants have subsequently excelled in their respective services and many of them have moved on to occupy important positions in the Government of India and the state governments. The programme fosters a permanent alliance between the IIPA and its participants. The continuation of a vibrant IIPA Alumni Association bears testimony to this.
Dear friends,
I welcome you to IIPA’s Fiftieth Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA). Having successfully completed 49 such programmes, this programme is a customized ten-month course for senior officers of the All India, Central Services including the Defence Services and the State Civil Services. The programme is designed, keeping in view the priorities of the government and the National Development Goals stemming from International developmental priorities. The focus of the Programme is on developing domain, functional and behavioural competencies of the participants in order to achieve the inclusive national objectives. As a continuously evolving programme based on the developmental goals and feedback of the previous participants, it has helped participants sharpen their knowledge, skills and behaviour. I am happy to share that the faculty members at IIPA have prepared a total package of social, political, economic, and administrative knowledge leveraging India for high value services. The theoretical base of the programme is sprinkled with governance, finance, and technology-related perspectives embedded in Mission Karmayogi framework. During the Programme, you will work on assignments in different domains chosen in a manner that they may be used as policy inputs by the government, especially in the rural and urban settings. Similarly, dissertation is an important component of the programme on a topic of governance, which is of use to government and to help it scale up various developmental and welfare initiatives in line with whole of government approach in the Amrit Kaal.
The IIPA library with over two lakh books and electronic databases would provide immense help in enriching your knowledge of different academic streams. Interactive sessions, Group discussions and debates, field visits and presentations create a long lasting camaraderie among participants and faculty, besides making learning fun- filled exercise. After successful completion of the Course participants would be granted IIPA’s Masters Diploma in Public Administration. Also, IIPA has partnered with Panjab University for the grant of ‘Masters of Arts in the subject of Public Administration and Public Policy’ Degree aligned with the National Education Policy 2020.
I am sure that you would find the programme personally enriching, professionally rewarding, and intellectually stimulating.
S.N. Tripathi
Director General, IIPA
Place: New Delhi;
Date: 1 July 2024
Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) was established in 1954 as an autonomous society. It was set up in the atmosphere of post-independence enthusiasm and was a direct result of the support of its founding father. Set up on the lines recommended by Dr. Paul H. Appleby, the then Dean of the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University in his work on public administration in India. IIPA represents the hopes of the times, rich history of governance in transition, and houses a vast knowledge- base of administrative and managerial experience. As an institution of learning and research, IIPA caters to the research and capacity enhancement needs of government at the Union and States. Through rigorous action-planning and follow up, the Institute supports various organs of government to improve delivery mechanisms and enhance the capacity of personnel in government and public service
In the fast-changing political, social, and economic milieu, nationally and globally, centralization co-exists with decentralization, independence with interdependence, and sovereign state power with supranational entities. The focus has shifted from Government to Governance and more recently in contemporary India to the minimum government - maximum governance. The thrust is on reforms, transparency, accountability, and ethics for citizencentric governance.
The Institute stimulates not only a study of the theoretical and practical aspects of public administration but also directly trains multiple layers of civil services, defence services, state services, and scholars in the discipline, art, and practice of administration in the country. Through continuous programmes of research, education, training, advisory and consultancy services, conferences and seminars, case studies, the publication of journals and books devoted to research in various fields of administration, IIPA, over the past almost seven decades has made a significant contribution to various sectors of public administration at the Union, state and local levels. Its competent and multi-disciplinary faculty members, specializing in various areas of contemporary relevance, bring considerable value to the Institute and adds to professional confidence of participants.
The IIPA Library has a collection of over 2.26 lakh volumes of books and periodicals. It receives over 270 current periodicals. The collection of IIPA library is particularly rich in the areas of public administration, management sciences, economics, planning and development, political science, sociology, development studies, history, law, rural, urban and gender studies, e-governance, and consumer studies. The Public Document Section of the Library, which contains Census publications, reports of committees and commissions, National Sample Surveys, and Annual Reports of various ministries and departments of the Government of India and international organisations, is acknowledged as one of the richest collections in the country. The library also maintains the press clippings of articles and news items published in various newspapers. Most of the Library functions and services are computerized and the complete catalogue is available online. The computerised library database has over 1.36 lakh records related to books and reports and 1.22 lakh records relating to periodical articles. Library subscribes to ABI/inform database, facilitating access to around 4000 titles, out of which 3000 titles are in full text, besides, the database also facilitates access to 500 business case studies and 20,000 business and management dissertations. Besides, the users have access to the JSTOR database which primarily contains 2701 archival journals, besides 269 current journals. It provides full-text searches of almost 2000 journals. Library provides remote access to all these resources anywhere and anytime. The ‘Digital Knowledge Repository’, comprising various forms of intellectual output developed in- house, is arranged under various categories and can be accessed at: www. There is a separate reading room equipped with ICT facilities exclusively for the APPPA participants wherein multiple copies of books comprising essential and suggested readings for the APPPA course are available. The Library is open on all days from 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 pm except Sundays and on national holidays (26th January, 15th August and 2nd October) and Diwali, Dussehra and Holi.
The Computer Centre is equipped with a host of servers, work stations, printers , and LAN to provide highspeed Internet services. This Centre caters to IIPA’s in-house requirements for research and training. The Centre has a good collection of software both for general use and also for specialized applications like SPSS. The functioning of this Centre has been augmented with the support of the Ministry of Information Technology (GOI) for capacity building in the area of e-Governance. The Computer-based practical sessions of APPPA are held in the computer lecture hall of the Centre which remains open during usual office hours. Apart from this, we also have a dedicated Computer Centre for APPPA participants.
Situated in the campus of the Institute, the hostel has a limited number of double room family suites. These are allotted to the participants attending APPPA, subject to availability and charges as per rules.
The Institute has an Honorary Medical Officer who is available in the Hostel for consultation during 1.00 p.m. to 2.00 p.m. from Monday to Friday.
Course Director
Dr. Neetu Jain: Professor
JAIN, NEETU: Ph.D, MBA (HR), M.Sc. (Chem), UGC- NET, Diploma in Training & Development(ISTD), KOICA Fellow
Areas of Interest: Leadership, Mentoring, Interpersonal Relations, Stress Management, Training & Development, Indian Management
Phone No. +91-11-23468341
Dr. Saket Bihari, Associate Professor
BIHARI, SAKET: Ph.D. (Sociology)
Areas of Interest: Globalization, Cultural Capital, Rural communities and Educational Development
Email: sapnachadah@iipa[dot]education; Phone No. +91-11-23468348