Civil Services Mentoring

Civil Services Mentoring (CSM)

Learning Management System

PRAYAS :Preparing Youth for Success

logo Behind me is infinite power, before me is endless possibility, around me is boundless opportunity. In a time of constant distrust building trust , doing what needs to be done than doing what one is capable of doing is all about roles leaders play

Civil Services Examination (CSE), conducted by UPSC every year, is a nationwide competitive examination and is one of the most ‘sought after’ examinations for recruitment to higher Civil Services of the Government of India.  Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel referred to civil servants as the 'steel frame of India' while addressing the probationers of Administrative Services Officers in 1947 at Metcalf House, Delhi. Hon’ble PM Modi ji said on 28 October, 2017, ‘You are a member of service and not a mere job seeker’. Hon’ble PM also observed at Kevadia in 2019, ‘We need a bureaucracy that is creative & constructive, imaginative & innovative, proactive and polite, professional and progressive, energetic and enabling, efficient and effective, transparent and tech enabled.’ A Civil Servant has the honour and dignity of being a servant of the Indian people, not any individual master.

1. Civil Services Mentoring (CSM) initiative of IIPA management is all about -discovering you , defining you ,enhancing you and promoting brand YOU. It amplifies your ability to reach and access the best opportunities suited to YoU .CSM is also targeted towards enhancing your performance in decision making process , dealing with co-workers ,approaching citizens and customers and professional relationships ,making the right choice in work specialisation The CSM Perspective is all about self-knowledge of your core strengths and ingenuity of one’s personality that will help you the person approach challenges of life in your own way . We sharpen your own uniqueness found in varied combination of strength ,skills ,approaches and values - with mix of science-policy-culture perspective. It makes you stay relevant to the ever changing needs of a dynamic market ecosystem - to decide your role as a competitor or a person who complements the team

2. IIPA is an Institute of eminence specialized in the domain of Public Administration and Governance, aimed at knowledge dissemination catering to the needs of Civil Services. It is the right time IIPA initiates Capacity Building for the aspirational youth venturing to become Civil Servants. Civil Services Mentoring (CSM) is a Corporate Social Responsibility initiative of IIPA.

  1. Civil Services Mentoring (CSM)- MCQ
  2. Civil Services Mentoring (CSM)- Short Answers
  3. Civil Services Mentoring (CSM)- CSAT
  4. Civil Services Mentoring (CSM)- Personality Test

3. Features

  1. Collection of past years’ Civil Services Examination (Preliminary) questions that one can practice and rate one’s progress.
  2. Focused material on Public Administration and Sociology for CSE (Main)
  3. Videos with descriptive answers
  4. Synoptic answers of past years’ questions
  5. Webinars on contemporary issues
  6. In-Person Training (In Association with Regional/Local Branches and DACE (Dr Ambedkar Centre of Excellance))
  7. Anytime, anywhere learning

4. Process

  1. Register online for wealth of relevant information
  2. Free for first 10000 eligible aspirants in the 75th year of independence 

5.Reference Materials

  1. Indian Polity & Governance
  2. History of India and Indian National Movement
  3. Society
  4. Geography
  5. Social Justice
  6. Governance
  7. International Affairs
  8. Economic & Social Development
  9. Agriculture Industry & Services
  10. General Science
  11. General issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity & climate change
  12. Current Events 

For details, please contact:

Faculty Coordinator: Prof. Ashok Kumar Vishandass
Phone: 011-23468306

How to Register?

To Register on Civil Services Mentoring (CSM) (IIPA initiatives for Capacity Building for the aspirational youth venturing to become Civil ServantsClick here to download the form and duly filled form can send us through email on , after approval of your candidature, you will receive the Login ID & Password through your registered email . 



6. UPSC Civil Services Main Exam Pattern & Syllabus

Civil Services Exam (IAS Exam), the most coveted exam of all, is conducted by UPSC every year to recruit candidates to various services & posts in the Government of India. It is a two stage exam consisting of:

  1. Civil Services Preliminary Examination (Multiple Choice Questions) for the selection of candidates for the Main Examination.
  2. Civil Services Main Examination (Written & Interview) for the selection of candidates for various services & posts as mentioned in UPSC’s official notification.

7. UPSC IAS Preliminary Exam Pattern & Syllabus
The first stage of the exam i.e., the Civil Services Preliminary Exam is only a screening test and is conducted to shortlist candidates for the Main Examination. Marks secured in Preliminary Exam are not taken into account while preparing the final merit.
Preliminary Exam consists of two papers of Multiple Choice Questions carrying a maximum of 200 marks each.

8. Paper-I : General Studies Syllabus
It has 100 questions broadly covering the following topics carrying a maximum of 200 marks to be solved in 2 hours.

  1. Current Events (CSM-01)
    a) National Importance
    b) International Importance
    c) Security
  2. History  (CSM-02)
    a) India
    b) Indian National Movement.
  3. Geography  (CSM-03)
    a) India-Physical Social, Economic Geography
    b) World-Physical, Social, Economic Geography
  4. Indian Polity & Governance  (CSM-04)
    a) Indian Polity-Constitution, Political System etc.
    b) Governance-Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.
  5. Economic & Social Development   (CSM-05)
    a) Economic-Sustainable Development, Poverty, Financial Inclusion, etc.
    b) Social Development-Social Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc.
    c) Agriculture
  6. General issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity & climate change   (CSM-06)
  7. General Science. (CSM-07)

9. Paper-II : Civil Service Aptitude Test (CSAT) Syllabus
It comprises of 80 questions from the following topics carrying a maximum of 200 marks to be solved in 2 hours.

  1. Comprehension, Interpersonal skills including communication skills.
  2. Logical reasoning & analytical ability.
  3. Decision making & problem solving.
  4. General mental ability.
  5. Basic numeracy (numbers & their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.) (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency, etc. – Class X level)

10. Paper-II : Civil Service Aptitude Test (CSAT) is a qualifying paper with a minimum qualifying marks fixed at 33% i.e. a minimum of 66 marks out of 200 is to be secured.
It is mandatory for a candidate to appear in both the Papers of Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination for the purpose of evaluation.

Note: Paper-I is evaluated by UPSC only in respect of those candidates who secure minimum qualifying marks in CSAT.

Note: While 2 marks are awarded for each correct answer, 0.67 mark is deducted for each incorrect answer

11. UPSC General Studies Books

Recommended Books for UPSC General Studies

The  aspirants should study the following books:


Basic Books:

  1. NIOS course books for classes XI and XII on - Ancient India, Medieval India, Modern India, National Movement & Contemporary World and Culture of India. (All these are available in PDF format on internet) 

Advance Level Books:

  1. India’s Ancient Past by R.S. Sharma published by Oxford University Press 
  2. A History of Ancient & Early Medieval India by Upinder Singh 
  3. History of Medieval India (800–1700 AD) by Satish Chandra published by Orient Longman 
  4. History of Modern India by Bipin Chandra (2009 Edition) 
  5. India's Struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra & Others 
  6. India After Independence (1947 - 2000) by Bipin Chandra & Others
  7. From Plassey To Partition And After by Sekhar Bandopadhyaya 

World History:

  1. The Story of Civilization, Part 2 by Arjun Dev, NCERT
  2. Contemporary World History for class XII (Old NCERT Book)
  3. Mastering Modern World History by Norman Lowe 


  1. Certificate Physical & Human Geography (Oxford) by Goh Cheng Leong 
  2. NCERTs (New Editions)
    XI Standard: (1) India - Physical Environment (2) Fundamentals of Physical Geography
    XII Standard: (1) India - People & Economy (2) Fundamentals of Human Geography
  3. School Atlas - Orient Black Swan 
  4. Indian Geography by D. R. Khullar 

Social Issues

  1. XI Standard NCERT on Indian Society (Chapters on Unity & Diversity and Population Issues) 
  2. XII Standard NCERT (Chapters on Communalism, Secularism and Urban Issues such as Poverty, Housing, etc.)
  3. The Hindu or Indian Express Newspaper 

Indian Polity

  1. Constitution of India at Work (Class XI) NCERT Publication
  2. Indian Polity by Laxmikant 
  3. The Hindu or Indian Express Newspaper
  4. Yojana Magazine 

Governance Issues

  1. From Government to Governance by Kuldeep Mathur 
  2. Ethics in Governance, ARC Report 
  3. Citizen Centric Administration (Chapters 2, 5, 6, 7 & 8 only and box items in the report) 

Developmental Issues

  1. Human Development Report & World Development Report 
  2. Panchayati Raj in India by Kuldeep Mathur
  3. The Hindu or Indian Express Newspaper
  4. Kurukshetra & Yojana Magazines 

International Relations

  1. India’s Foreign Policy Since Independence by V.P. Dutt 
  2. The Times of India The Hindu or Indian Express Newspaper 

Indian Economy

  1. Indian Economic Development XI Standard NCERT 
  2. Indian Economy by Sanjiv Verma 
  3. Introductory Macro Economics XII Standard NCERT (Ignore all diagrams & mathematical formulas) 
  4. The Hindu or Indian Express Newspaper
  5. Economics Dictionary published by Collins & Penguin 
  6. Economic Survey 2020-21 (to be out in Feb only recommended chapters) 

Ecology & Environment

  1. Certificate Physical & Human Geography by Goh Cheng Leong (Second Half of the Book) 
  2. XII Standard NCERT Book on Biology (Chapters pertaining to Ecology) 
  3. India Year Book (Chapters on Environment)
  4. Chapter on Climate Change from Economic Survey
  5. The Hindu or Indian Express Newspaper 

Security Issues

  1. India’s Security in a Turbulent World by Jasjit Singh, published by National Book Trust of India 
  2. The Hindu or Indian Express Newspaper 

Science & Technology

  1. VIII, IX, X Standard NCERT books on Biology
  2. The Hindu or Indian Express Newspaper
  3. Monthly Magazine ‘Science Reporter for Science & Technology’ 

Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude

  1. Ethics in Governance, ARC Report
  2. Lexicon by Chronicle Publications 
  3. The Book on Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude published by Access Publication 

12. Civil Services Main Examination consists of written examination and interview (personality test). Civil Services Main Examination consists of following papers divided into 2 categories – qualifying & papers to be counted for merit.

Qualifying Papers   Marks
Papaer-A One of the Indian Language to be selected by the candidate from the Languages included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution 300
Paper-B English 300
Papers to be Counted for Merit    
Paper-I Essay 250
Paper-II General Studies-I (Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society) 250
Paper-III General Studies-II (Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations) 250
Paper-IV Genera Studies-III (Technology, Economic Development, Bio-diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management) 250
Paper-V General Studies-IV (Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude) 250
Paper-VI Optional Subject – Paper 1 250
Paper-VII Optional Subject – Paper 2 250
Sub Total (Written Test)   1750
Personality Test   275
Grand Total   2025

13. Important Points:

  1. The papers on Indian languages and English (Paper A and paper B) will be of qualifying nature and the marks obtained in these papers will not be counted for ranking.
  2. The papers on Indian languages and English (Paper A and paper B) will be of Matriculation or equivalent standard.
  3. The papers on Essay, General Studies and Optional Subject of only such candidates will be taken cognizance who attain 25% marks in ‘Indian Language’ and 25% in ‘English’ as minimum qualifying standards in these qualifying papers.
  4. Marks obtained by the candidates for the Paper I-VII only will be counted for merit ranking.
  5. The question papers for the main examination will be of conventional (essay) type and each paper will be of 3 hour duration.
  6. Candidates will have the option to answer all the question papers, except the Qualifying Language Papers, Paper-A and Paper-B, in any one of the languages included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India or in English.
  7. The question papers (other than the literature of language papers) will be set in Hindi and English only.
  8. Compensatory time of twenty minutes per hour shall be permitted for the Blind candidates and the candidates with locomotor disability and cerebral palsy where dominant (writing) extremity is affected to the extent of slowing the performance of function (minimum of 40% impairment) in both the Civil Services (Preliminary) as well as in the Civil Services (Main) Examination.

14. Syllabus of UPSC Main Examination Papers

I. Qualifying Papers on Indian Languages and English
The pattern of questions would be broadly as follows:
English Language:
(i) Comprehension of given passages.
(ii) Precis Writing.
(iii) Usage and Vocabulary.
(iv) Short Essays.

Indian Languages:
(i) Comprehension of given passages.
(ii) Precis Writing.
(iii) Usage and Vocabulary.
(iv) Short Essays.
(v) Translation from English to the Indian Language and vice-versa.

II. Paper-I: Essay
Candidates may be required to write essays on multiple topics.
They will be expected to keep closely to the subject of the essay to arrange their ideas in orderly fashion, and to write concisely.
Credit will be given for effective and exact expression.

III. Paper-II: General Studies-I
Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society.
(i) Indian culture will cover the salient aspects of Art Forms, literature and Architecture from ancient to modern times.
(ii) Modern Indian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present- significant events, personalities, issues.
(iii) The Freedom Struggle — its various stages and important contributors/contributions from different parts of the country.
(iv) Post-independence consolidation and reorganization within the country.
(v) History of the world will include events from 18th century such as industrial revolution, world wars, redrawal of national boundaries, colonization, decolonization, political philosophies like communism, capitalism, socialism etc.— their forms and effect on the society.
(vi) Salient features of Indian Society, Diversity of India.
(vii) Role of women and women’s organization, population and associated issues, poverty and developmental issues, urbanization, their problems and their remedies.
(viii) Effects of globalization on Indian society.
(ix) Social empowerment, communalism, regionalism & secularism.
(x) Salient features of world’s physical geography.
(xi) Distribution of key natural resources across the world (including South Asia and the Indian sub-continent); factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries in various parts of the world (including India).
(xii) Important Geophysical phenomena such as earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic activity, cyclone etc., geographical features and their location-changes in critical geographical features (including water-bodies and ice-caps) and in flora and fauna and the effects of such changes.

IV. Paper-III: General Studies-II
Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations.
(i) Indian Constitution—historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions and basic structure.
(ii) Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States, issues and challenges pertaining to the federal structure, devolution of powers and finances up to local levels and challenges therein.
(iii) Separation of powers between various organs dispute redressal mechanisms and institutions.
(iv) Comparison of the Indian constitutional scheme with that of other countries.
(v) Parliament and State legislatures—structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers & privileges and issues arising out of these.
(vi) Structure, organization and functioning of the Executive and the Judiciary—Ministries and Departments of the Government; pressure groups and formal/informal associations and their role in the Polity.
(vii) Salient features of the Representation of People’s Act.
(viii) Appointment to various Constitutional posts, powers, functions and responsibilities of various Constitutional Bodies.
(ix) Statutory, regulatory and various quasi-judicial bodies.
(x) Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.
(xi) Development processes and the development industry —the role of NGOs, SHGs, various groups and associations, donors, charities, institutional and other stakeholders.
(xii) Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes; mechanisms, laws, institutions and Bodies constituted for the protection and betterment of these vulnerable sections.
(xiii) Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources.
(xiv) Issues relating to poverty and hunger.
(xv) Important aspects of governance, transparency and accountability, e-governance- applications, models, successes, limitations, and potential; citizens charters, transparency & accountability and institutional and other measures.
(xvi) Role of civil services in a democracy.
(xvii) India and its neighborhood- relations.
(xviii) Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests.
(xix) Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests, Indian diaspora.
(xx) Important International institutions, agencies and fora - their structure, mandate.

V. Paper-IV: General Studies-III
Technology, Economic Development, Bio diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management
(i) Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization, of resources, growth, development and employment.
(ii) Inclusive growth and issues arising from it.
(iii) Government Budgeting.
(iv) Major crops-cropping patterns in various parts of the country, - different types of irrigation and irrigation systems storage, transport and marketing of agricultural produce and issues and related constraints; e-technology in the aid of farmers.
(v) Issues related to direct and indirect farm subsidies and minimum support prices; Public Distribution System-objectives, functioning, limitations, revamping; issues of buffer stocks and food security; Technology missions; economics of animal-rearing.
(vi) Food processing and related industries in India- scope’ and significance, location, upstream and downstream requirements, supply chain management.
(vii) Land reforms in India.
(viii) Effects of liberalization on the economy, changes in industrial policy and their effects on industrial growth.
(ix) Infrastructure: Energy, Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways etc.
(x) Investment models.
(xi) Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life.
(xii) Achievements of Indians in science & technology; indigenization of technology and developing new technology.
(xiii) Awareness in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, robotics, Nano-technology, bio-technology and issues relating to intellectual property rights.
(xiv) Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment.
(xv) Disaster and disaster management.
(xvi) Linkages between development and spread of extremism.
(xvii) Role of external state and non-state actors in creating challenges to internal security.
(xviii) Challenges to internal security through communication networks, role of media and social networking sites in internal security challenges, basics of cyber security; money-laundering and its prevention.
(xix) Security challenges and their management in border areas - linkages of organized crime with terrorism.
(xx) Various Security forces and agencies and their mandate.

VI. Paper-V: General Studies-IV
Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude
This paper will include questions to test the candidates’ attitude and approach to issues relating to integrity, probity in public life and his problem solving approach to various issues and conflicts faced by him in dealing with society.
Questions may utilise the case study approach to determine these aspects.
The following broad areas will be covered:
(i) Ethics and Human Interface: Essence, determinants and consequences of Ethics in-human actions; dimensions of ethics; ethics - in private and public relationships. Human Values - lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers and administrators; role of family society and educational institutions in inculcating values.
(ii) Attitude: content, structure, function; its influence and relation with thought and behaviour; moral and political attitudes; social influence and persuasion.
(iii) Aptitude and foundational values for Civil Service, integrity, impartiality and non-partisanship, objectivity, dedication to public service, empathy, tolerance and compassion towards the weaker-sections.
(iv) Emotional intelligence-concepts, and their utilities and application in administration and governance.
(v) Contributions of moral thinkers and philosophers from India and world.
(vi) Public/Civil service values and Ethics in Public administration: Status and problems; ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private institutions; laws, rules, regulations and conscience as sources of ethical guidance; accountability and ethical governance; strengthening of ethical and moral values in governance; ethical issues in international relations and funding; corporate governance.
(vii) Probity in Governance: Concept of public service; Philosophical basis of governance and probity; Information sharing and transparency in government, Right to Information, Codes of Ethics, Codes of Conduct, Citizen’s Charters, Work culture, Quality of service delivery, Utilization of public funds, challenges of corruption.
(viii) Case Studies on above issues.

VII. Paper – VI & VII
16. Optional Subject Papers I & II.
A candidate may opt for any one Optional Subject from the following 48 Optional subjects:
(i) Agriculture
(ii) Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
(iii) Anthropology
(iv) Botany
(v) Chemistry
(vi) Civil Engineering
(vii) Commerce and Accountancy
(viii) Economics
(ix) Electrical Engineering
(x) Geography
(xi) Geology
(xii) History
(xiii) Law
(xiv) Management
(xv) Mathematics
(xvi) Mechanical Engineering
(xvii) Medical Science
(xviii) Philosophy
(xix) Physics
(xx) Political Science and International Relations
(xxi) Psychology
(xxii) Public Administration
(xxiii) Sociology
(xxiv) Statistics
(xxv) Zoology
(xxvi) Literature of any one of the following languages: Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu and English.
Each Optional Subject has 2 compulsory papers.

17. Civil Services (Main) Examination carries a total of 1750 marks as follows:

  1. Essay: 250 marks
  2. General Studies :1000 marks (4 papers of 250 marks each)
  3. Optional Subject :500 marks (2 papers of 250 marks each)

Personality Test (Interview) carries 275 marks. Thus, candidates are evaluated out of total 2025 marks.

18. For Details, Please Contact:

Faculty Coordinator: Prof. Ashok Kumar Vishandass
Phone: 011-23468306

  1. Polity
  2. History and Culture
  3. Society
  4. Geography
  5. Social Justice
  6. Governance
  7. International Affairs
  8. Economic Growth and Development
  9. Agriculture
  10. Technology
  11. Disaster Management
  12. Security
  1. Current events of National importance
  2. Current events of International importance
  3. History of India
  4. Indian National Movement
  5. Indian Geography-Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India
  6. World Geography-Physical, Social, Economic Geography of the World
  7. Indian Polity and Governance-Constitution, Political System etc.
  8. Indian Polity and Governance- Panchayati Raj and Public Policy
  9. Indian Polity and Governance- Rights Issues etc.
  10. Economic Development-Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion etc.
  11. Social Development- Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives etc.
  12. General issues on Environmental ecology
  13. General issues on Bio-diversity and Climate Change
  14. General Science
  1. Current Events 
    a) National Importance
    b) International Importance
    c) Security
  2. History
    a) India
    b) Indian National Movement.
  3. Geography
    a) India-Physical Social, Economic Geography
    b) World-Physical, Social, Economic Geography
  4. Indian Polity & Governance
    a) Indian Polity-Constitution, Political System etc.
    b) Governance-Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.
  5. Economic & Social Development 
    a) Economic-Sustainable Development, Poverty, Financial Inclusion, etc.
    b) Social Development-Social Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc.
    c) Agriculture
  6. General issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity & climate change 
  7. General Science.



Civil Services Mentoring (CSM)

IIPA is an Institute of eminence specialized in the domain of Public Administration and Governance, aimed at knowledge dissemination catering to the needs of Civil Services. It is the right time IIPA initiates Capacity Building for the aspirational youth venturing to become Civil Servants.Civil Services Mentoring (CSM) is a Corporate Social Responsibility initiative of IIPA.

  1. Civil Services Mentoring (CSM)- MCQ
  2. Civil Services Mentoring (CSM)- Short Answers
  3. Civil Services Mentoring (CSM)- CSAT
  4. Civil Services Mentoring (CSM)- Personality Test


  1. Collection of past years’ Civil Services Examination (Preliminary) questions that one can practice and rate one’s progress.
  2. Focused material on Public Administration and Sociology for CSE (Main)
  3. Videos with descriptive answers
  4. Synoptic answers of past years’ questions.
  5. Webinars on contemporary issues
  6. Anytime, anywhere learning.


  1. Register online for wealth of relevant information
  2. Free for first 10000 eligible aspirants in the 75th year of independence

For details, please contact:

Faculty Coordinator: Prof. Ashok Kumar Vishandass

Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2021

  1. PDF icon General Studies Paper - I
  2. PDF icon General Studies Paper - II

Source: UPSC 

Short Answers

  1. Current Events 
    a) National Importance
    b) International Importance
    c) Security
  2. History
    a) India
    b) Indian National Movement.
  3. Geography
    a) India-Physical Social, Economic Geography
    b) World-Physical, Social, Economic Geography
  4. Indian Polity & Governance
    a) Indian Polity-Constitution, Political System etc.
    b) Governance-Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.
  5. Economic & Social Development 
    a) Economic-Sustainable Development, Poverty, Financial Inclusion, etc.
    b) Social Development-Social Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc.
    c) Agriculture
  6. General issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity & climate change 
  7. General Science.

Main Exam- Resource Material

  1. IIPA Theme Papers
  2. Indian Journal of Public Administration
  3. Lok Prashasan (Hindi Journal about Public Administration)
  4. Nagarlok (Journal about Urban Affairs)
  5. IIPA Digest (A Magazine about Current Affairs)
  6. Press Information Bureau
  7. Mann Ki Baat
  8. Yojna Magazine-A Government Publications


  1. Yojana Magazine Summary for November 2021 Issue
  2. Yojana Magazine Summary for October 2021 Issue
  3. Yojana Magazine Summary for September 2021 Issue
  4. Yojana Magazine Summary for August 2021 Issue
  5. Yojana Magazine Summary for July 2021 Issue
  6. Yojana Magazine Summary for June 2021 Issue
  7. Yojana Magazine Summary for May 2021 Issue
  8. Yojana Magazine Summary for April 2021 Issue
  9. Yojana Magazine Summary for March 2021 Issue
  10. Yojana Magazine Summary for February 2021 Issue
  11. Yojana Magazine Summary for January 2021 Issue
  12. Yojana Magazine Summary for December 2020 Issue
  13. Yojana Magazine Summary for November 2020 Issue
  14. Yojana Magazine Summary for October 2020 Issue
  15. Yojana Magazine Summary for September 2020 Issue
  16. Yojana Magazine Summary for August 2020 Issue
  17. Yojana Magazine Summary for July 2020 Issue
  18. Yojana Magazine Summary for June 2020 Issue
  19. Yojana Magazine Summary for May 2020 Issue
  20. Yojana Magazine Summary for April 2020 Issue
  21. Yojana Magazine Summary for March 2020 Issue
  22. Yojana Magazine Summary for February 2020 Issue
  23. Yojana Magazine Summary for January 2020 Issue
  24. Yojana Magazine Summary for January 2019 Issue
  25. Yojana Magazine Summary for November 2019 Issue
  26. Yojana Magazine Summary for October 2019 Issue
  27. Yojana Magazine Summary for September 2019 Issue
  28. Yojana Magazine Summary for August 2019 Issue
  29. Yojana Magazine Summary for July 2019 Issue
  30. Yojana Magazine Summary for June 2019 Issue
  31. Yojana Magazine Summary for May 2019 Issue
  32. Yojana Magazine Summary for April 2019 Issue
  33. Yojana Magazine Summary for March 2019 Issue
  34. Yojana Magazine Summary for February 2019 Issue
  35. Yojana Magazine Summary for January 2019 Issue
  36. Yojana Magazine Summary for December 2018 Issue
  37. Yojana Magazine Summary for November 2018 Issue
  38. Yojana Magazine Summary for October 2018 Issue
  39. Yojana Magazine Summary for September 2018 Issue
  40. Yojana Magazine Summary for August 2018 Issue
  41. Yojana Magazine Summary for July 2018 Issue
  42. Yojana Magazine Summary for June 2018 Issue
  43. Yojana Magazine Summary for May 2018 Issue
  44. Yojana Magazine Summary for April 2018 Issue
  45. Yojana Magazine Summary for March 2018 Issue
  46. Yojana Magazine Summary for February 2018 Issue
  47. Yojana Magazine Summary for January 2018 Issue
  48. Yojana Magazine Summary for December 2017 Issue
  49. Yojana Magazine Summary for November 2017 Issue
  50. Yojana Magazine Summary for October 2017 Issue
  51. Yojana Magazine Summary for September 2017 Issue


Public Administration


Administrative Theory

Introduction: Meaning, scope and significance of Public Administration; Wilson's vision of Public Administration; Evolution of the discipline and its present status; New Public Administration; Public Choice approach; Challenges of liberalization, Privatization, Globalization; Good Governance: concept and application; New Public Management.

Administrative Thought: Scientific Management and Scientific Management movement; Classical Theory; Weber's bureaucratic model - its critique and post-Weberian Developments; Dynamic Administration (Mary Parker Follett); Human Relations School (Elton Mayo and others); Functions of the Executive (C.I. Barnard); Simon's decision-making theory; Participative Management (R. Likert, C. Argyris, D. McGregor).

Administrative Behavior: Process and techniques of decision-making; Communication; Morale; Motivation Theories - content, process and contemporary; Theories of Leadership: Traditional and Modern.

Organizations: Theories - systems, contingency; Structure and forms: Ministries and Departments, Corporations, Companies, Boards and Commissions; Ad hoc and advisory bodies; Headquarters and Field relationships; Regulatory Authorities; Public - Private Partnerships.

Accountability and control: Concepts of accountability and control; Legislative, Executive and Judicial control over administration; Citizen and Administration; Role of media, interest groups, voluntary organizations; Civil society; Citizen's Charters; Right to Information; Social audit.

Administrative Law: Meaning, scope and significance; Dicey on Administrative law; Delegated legislation; Administrative Tribunals.

Comparative Public Administration: Historical and sociological factors affecting administrative systems; Administration and politics in different countries; status of Comparative Public Administration; Ecology and administration; Riggsian models and their critique.

Development Dynamics: Concept of development; Changing profile of development administration; 'Antidevelopment thesis'; Bureaucracy and development; Strong state versus the market debate; Impact of liberalization on administration in developing countries; Women and development - the self-help group movement.

Personnel Administration: Importance of human resource development; Recruitment, training, career advancement, position classification, discipline, performance appraisal, promotion, pay and service conditions; employer- employee relations, grievance redressal mechanism; Code of conduct; Administrative ethics.

Public Policy: Models of policy-making and their critique; Processes of conceptualization, planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and review and their limitations; State theories and public policy formulation.

Techniques of Administrative Improvement: Organization and methods, Work study and work management; e-governance and information technology; Management aid tools like network analysis, MIS, PERT, CPM.

Financial Administration: Monetary and fiscal policies; Public borrowings and public debt Budgets - types and forms; Budgetary process; Financial accountability; Accounts and audit.


Indian Administration

Evolution of Indian Administration: Kautilya's Arthashastra; Mughal administration; Legacy of British rule in politics and administration - Indianization of public services, revenue administration, district administration, local self-government.

Philosophical and Constitutional framework of government: Salient features and value premises; Constitutionalism; Political culture; Bureaucracy and democracy; Bureaucracy and development.

Public Sector Undertakings: Public sector in modern India; Forms of Public Sector Undertakings; Problems of autonomy, accountability, and control; Impact of liberalization and privatization.

Union Government and Administration: Executive, Parliament, Judiciary - structure, functions, work processes; Recent trends; Intragovernmental relations; Cabinet Secretariat; Prime Minister's Office; Central Secretariat; Ministries and Departments; Boards; Commissions; Attached offices; Field organizations.

Plans and Priorities: Machinery of planning; Role, composition and functions of the Planning Commission and the National Development Council; 'Indicative' planning; Process of plan formulation at Union and State levels; Constitutional Amendments (1992) and decentralized planning for economic development and social justice.

State Government and Administration: Union-State administrative, legislative and financial relations; Role of the Finance Commission; Governor; Chief Minister; Council of Ministers; Chief Secretary; State Secretariat; Directorates.

District Administration since Independence: Changing role of the Collector; Union state- local relations; Imperatives of development management and law and order administration; District administration and democratic decentralization.

Civil Services: Constitutional position; Structure, recruitment, training and capacity-building; Good governance initiatives; Code of conduct and discipline; Staff associations; Political rights; Grievance redressal mechanism; Civil service neutrality; Civil service activism.

Financial Management: Budget as a political instrument; Parliamentary control of public expenditure; Role of finance ministry in monetary and fiscal area; Accounting techniques; Audit; Role of Controller General of Accounts and Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

Administrative Reforms since Independence: Major concerns; Important Committees and Commissions; Reforms in financial management and human resource development; Problems of implementation.

Rural Development: Institutions and agencies since independence; Rural development programmes: foci and strategies; Decentralization and Panchayati Raj; 73rd Constitutional amendment.

Urban Local Government: Municipal governance: main features, structures, finance and problem areas; 74th Constitutional Amendment; Global local debate; New localism; Development dynamics, politics and administration with special reference to city management.

Law and Order Administration: British legacy; National Police Commission; Investigative agencies; Role of central and state agencies including paramilitary forces in maintenance of law and order and countering insurgency and terrorism; Criminalization of politics and administration; Police-public relations; Reforms in Police.

Significant issues in Indian Administration: Values in public service; Regulatory Commissions; National Human Rights Commission; Problems of administration in coalition regimes; Citizen- administration interface; Corruption and administration; Disaster management.

Personality Test

  1. IIPA IdeaCast         
  2. Civil service -Tryst with Destiny

An IAS officer of the 2006 batch from the Haryana cadre, A Mona Sreenivas is working as a director with the Election Commission of India for the last few years. In a freewheeling interview, she discusses, among other things, her fond memories of studying at Apeejay School, Faridabad and tips to prepare for the Mains and Prelims stages of the exam.

You bagged the top rank in the 2005 exam. What strategy did you adopt for the Mains and Prelims?

Start reading newspapers and magazines along with your NCERT textbooks and brush up your basic History, Civics and Geography: subjects that are part of the Civil Services Examination. The more focused preparation should begin at least a year before you actually write the exam. Begin with trying to understand the concepts. So it is better to go to Mains first and then go to Prelims and then get back to Mains again.
Your optional subjects were English Literature and Sociology. How important is a choice of subjects and time management to ace the exam?

Time management is important because the material is massive and you can’t spend years and years preparing. Regarding the choice of subjects, strike a balance between what is scoring and what one knows best. For the second subject, pick a subject that you like to read.

What are your memories of studying at Apeejay School, Faridabad?

I have such nice memories of being in class 5 and being the head girl of a school. Then I went to the senior school and studied in the senior school building in Sector 15. So, I have lovely memories of the huge playground and singing the theme song: Soaring High Is My Nature.

What are the challenges and opportunities of being a civil servant?

I think that whatever job profile you have in the Civil Services, it impacts people’s lives in a very good way. In the government sector whatever one does is a big responsibility. Government services give you a lot of scope to innovate and make things better.


Other Relevent Resources

  1. Mock Interview of Sakshi Garg (UPSC-2017, 350Rank)
  2. Civil Services Interview Preparation by K.Siddhartha
  3. How to Prepare for IAS Interview by Prof. D.P. Agarwal, UPSC Former Chairman
  4. How to Introduce Yourself in English
  5. UPSC Lessons

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