Thematic focus of the course and the Course Title
Broadly speaking social policy can be conceptualized as the activities of governments and other actors, which modify the free play of market forces to shape social redistribution, social regulation, and social rights at national, regional and global level. Alternatively, social policy has been conceptualized as public, market and informal mechanisms that enable individuals and communities to face social risks, such as the risk of loss of livelihood either by prevention or mitigation or through coping strategies. Such competing conceptualizations of social policy and social development and their promulgation by competing international actors are one aspect of the subject matter of global social policy and governance. The thematic focus of the proposed course on Methods and Approaches of Social Policy (governance) course consists of six modules (and set of sub-modules) that will be completed over five days (classroom and exposure visits). The Modules are diagnostic and problem solving and includes case studies/examples from many countries/sectors. One day would be devoted for the IST programmes for field/institutional visits to important organizations and public sector bodies within Delhi so as to give greater exposure to the government officers to policy implementation and ground level working.
Module I. The aim of this module is to develop understanding of the methods and approaches of social policy. In policy analysis, a rational model is used to provide a framework for introspection. The module would address a set of questions to the participants under the key stage of policy analysis, such as: (i) what is the policy supposed to do? and (ii) how will we be able to tell if a policy has achieved its aims? The methodological questions that the module would address include: (i) what are the options available in the policy context? , (ii) what are the constraints?, (iii) what resources are there?, (iv) are the methods consistent with the aims?. At the stage of implementation, the key questions that the course would address include: (i) is the practice consistent with the policy?, (ii) does the process meet the criteria and standards applicable in this field? Finally, at the key stage of outcomes in the policy analysis, the module would address the following questions: (i) what effects does the policy have?, and (ii) has the policy achieved its aims?
The subsequent modules(II, III, IV, V, & VI) are clustered around five major themes” ‘health’, ‘education’, ‘food security’, ‘employment guarantee’ and ‘social security and cash transfers’. These five modules would examine some key social policy areas in depth by looking into the process, procedure and outcome.
Module II. The aim of this module is to provide understanding about the current status of public health in India. It depicts the success stories of Ayushman Bharat and the health outcomes across the country. It also presents NITI Aayog’s perception on affordable health care in India. Finally, this module analyses on COVID-19 and India’s Healthcare Policy.
Module III. The objective of this module is to understand the issues of equity and inclusion both at the School education and higher education level across the country. It provides a policy analysis of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and the education outcomes. The module also acquaint with the latest equitable use of technology towards achieving online and digital education. Finally this module also analyses the impact of COVID-19 on school education.
Module IV. The module is designed to introduce to the participants of the concepts of food security and food sovereignty in general. It also discusses on the issues of food management in the country(including procurement and distribution). The module provides an understanding on the implementation of One Nation, One ration Card Scheme and the associated food security outcomes. The module also helps in assessing the issues of implementation and impact of National Food Security Act (NFSA) 2013 and the food security outcomes across the country.
Module V. The aim of this module is to understand the current employment and unemployment situation among the social groups in India. It also discusses the implications of labour reforms introduced by Central Government on the employers and employees across the country. Also a sub-module discusses the impact of COVID-19 on labour market. Finally, this module depicts the success stories of the schemes such as: Aatmanirbhar Bharat Rojgar Yojana (ABRY), Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana (PMRPY), and Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Schemes (MNRGS) across the country.
Module VI. The aim of this module is to comprehend the conceptual and philosophical case for Universal Basic Income (UBI) across the country. It also brings out the success stories on social security and cash transfer.
Time Schedule |
Topic of the Lecture |
Faculty |
DAY-I (6/09/2021) |
9.30 -10.00 AM |
Registration |
10.00-11.00 AM |
Methods and Approaches of Social Policy |
Dr. Yogendra Narain, IAS (Retd.) |
Tea Break (11.00-11.30 AM) |
11.30-12.30 PM |
Models of Social Policy |
Prof. Rajiv Malhotra |
12.30-1.30 PM |
Policy Analysis and Evaluation |
Shri B.S. Baswan, IAS (retd.), |
Lunch Break (1.30-2.30 PM) |
2.30-3.30 PM |
Evidence-based Social Policy |
Yamini Aiyar
Tea Break (3.30-4.00 PM) |
4.00-5.00 PM |
Exploring the Inter-linkages between Social Policy and Governance |
Prof. P.K. Chaubey |
DAY-II (7/09/2021) |
10.00-11.00 AM |
Health Sector Governance |
Dr. Girish Kumar |
Tea Break (11.00-11.30 AM) |
11.30-12.30 PM |
A Social Policy for Health |
Prof. Sanghamitra Acharya |
12.30-1.30 PM |
Health Care for All |
V. Srinivas, IAS |
Lunch Break (1.30-2.30 PM) |
2.30-3.30 PM |
COVID-19 and India’s Healthcare Policy |
Dr. Sachin Chaudhury |
Tea Break (3.30-4.00 PM) |
4.00-5.00 PM |
Health Education, Research & Regulation |
Prof. Vinod Khadria
DAY-III (8/09/2021) |
10.00-11.00 AM |
Equitable and Inclusive School Education |
Prof. Pranab Baannerji
Tea Break (11.00-11.30 AM) |
11.30-12.30 PM |
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on School Education |
Prof. Anand Kumar
12.30-1.30 PM |
Online and Digital Education: Ensuring Equitable Use of Technology |
Dr. Reetika Khare
Lunch Break (1.30-2.30 PM) |
2.30-3.30 PM |
Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education |
Prof. Anand Kumar
Tea Break (3.30-4.00 PM) |
4.00-5.00 PM |
National Education Policy(NEP) 2020 and Education Outcomes |
Prof. Sushma Yadav |
DAY-IV (9/09/2021) |
10.00-1.00 PM |
Visit to NITI Aayog, Government of India |
Dr. G. Mohapatra |
Lunch Break (1.30-2.30 PM) |
3.00-5.00 PM |
Visit to NITI Aayog & Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India |
Dr. G. Mohapatra |
DAY-V (10/09/2021) |
9.30-10.30 AM |
One Nation One Ration Card |
Prof. Suresh Mishra |
10.30-11.30 AM |
National Food Security Act(NFSA), 2013 and Food Security Outcomes |
Dr. Reetika Khare
Tea Break (11.30-12.00 PM) |
12.00-1.00 PM |
Employment & Labour Laws and Regulation |
Prof. Santosh Mehhrotra
Lunch Break (1.00-2.00 PM) |
2.00-3.00 PM |
Employment Generation Programmes in India |
Prof. Santosh Mehhrotra
3.00-4.00 PM |
Social Security and Cash Transfers |
Prof. Vinod Khadria
Tea Break (4.00-4.30 PM) |
4.30-5.00 PM |
Valedictory Session |