Dr Kusum Lata is a professional engineer planner with established research on Monitoring of Urban Development and application of the designed monitoring system to water supply system of Ghaziabad. She has more than 35 years of experience related to planning and management of Urban facets. She was involved in projects of Urban Planning, Urban Infrastructure Planning, Application of GIS for Management of Utilities and Services; Application of MIS to Governance, and Evaluation of central schemes/programmes. Her additional areas of interest are public policy, urban governance, e-Governance, disaster issues, climate change issues and gender issues. Couple of important projects worth mentioning: Outline Development Plan of Surajpur-Kasna Integrated Complex (Greater Noida Authority funded) ; Status of Water Supply, Sanitation & Solid Waste Management in 300 towns & Cities of India (CPHEEO funded), Appraisal of City Development Plan (CDPs) (MOUD), City Development Plan for Agra, U.P. (MOUD), Preparation of Master Plan for Sewerage and Drainage, Feasibility studies and DPR for sewerage works for Yamuna Action Plan-III under YAP II’ (JICA funded), Evaluation of Khelo India of Department of Sports, Evaluation of Estates Management and Human Resource Management of Department of Posts, Evaluation of Pre and Post Matric Scholarships of Tribal Students, Ministry of Tribal Affairs.
During more than a decade as Associate Professor (Urban & Regional Planning) at the Centre for Urban Studies, IIPA, she organized 14 workshops, 7 memorial and special lectures, completed 13 research & consultancy projects, 2 are under progress. She contributed towards capacity building of about 1000 officers through 65 training programmes, sponsored by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. She organised Orientation, Sensitisation and Customised Training Programme under AMRUT for Elected Representatives and Executives of Town Planning and Urban Local Body of Arunachal Pradesh. She also organised Integrated Orientation Training Programmes under National Urban Livelihood Mission for DUDA and ULB Officials and Officers of Arunachal Pradesh. Customised Capacity Building Programme were organised by her for officials of Shivamogga Urban Development Authority (SUDA), Karnataka; IFS Officers, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change ; AAO officers of LIC of India; and Engineers and Senior Accounts Officers of Delhi Jal Board. From July 2018 – April 2019, she was the Program Co-Director of 44th Advanced Programme in Public Administration, the flagship programme of IIPA, a customized ten - month’s course for senior officers of the All India and Central Services including the Defence services.
Her recent publications of IIPA were Proceedings of National Workshop on : “Governing Cities : the Emerging Challenge for Inclusive City Development” 2012; Proceedings of National Conference on : “Delhi : From Seven Cities to Smart City” 2015 and “Indian Urbanisation and Sustainable Development: Spatial Perspectives” eds Prof.B.Misra, Prof. H.B.Singh, Sh. B.N.Singh & Dr. Kusum Lata 2016.
Her latest contribution has been a chapter ‘Geospatial Intelligence for Smart Living–case of New Delhi’ in “Smart Living for Smart Cities” Volume 2, Editor: T. M. Vinod Kumar; Springer (2020). In this chapter focus is on the spatial dimension of smart living projects in India. Although there is no clear delineation between smart living and smart city projects in India, characteristics of the Smart Cities Mission are in consonance with the ideologies of smart living. The chapter starts with the concept of smart living and delineates it through the terms interconnectedness, sustainability and mobility (both social and physical in nature). Then it identifies how geospatial tools help manifest these values of smart living and an elaborate network of indicators is identified which has been used for evaluating geospatial smart living projects in New Delhi. Before proceeding for analysis of geospatial intelligence for smart living in New Delhi, the evaluation area, its demographics, spatial and administrative attributes are described. The chapter ends with the recognition of major gaps in the currents status of geospatial smart living and its conception in New Delhi and recommends improvement measures.
She has guided more than 13 M.Phil research studies and 15 Master’s Diploma in Public Administration research studies. She had evaluated 5 M.Phil Dissertations and 4 Ph.D thesis of research scholars, Department of Geography, Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University and also evaluated 4 Ph.D thesis research scholars of School of Planning and Architecture, Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University , Hyderabad.
Indian Institute of Public Administration
I P Estate, Ring Road, ITO
New Delhi-110002
Tel. +91-11-23468442
Official Email: kusumlata@iipa[dot]education
Facebook id: https://www.facebook.com/kusumlata.iipa.7/
Twitter id : Kusum Lata@KusumLataIIPA