
Nagarlok (Quarterly)


Published since 1969, Nagarlok is quarterly open access journal. It consists of relevant research articles, book reviews, commentaries, documents and notes that broadly covers topics related to Urban Studies with a focus on Urban Life, Metropolitan System, Urban Economic Development, Urban Finances, etc.

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Concept of Fiscal Capacity of Municipal Governments: Issues and Remedial Measures for Revenue Augmentation

Gautam Naresh

Globally, the role of local governments is very important in ensuring access to goods and basic services even to the marginal citizens. In India also, all the local governments, both rural and municipal, numbering…

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an Regeneration using Geo-Spatial Indicators

Komal Handore

The urban regeneration of the core area of the cities is a vital strategy that involves various aspects of the physical, social, economic, infrastructural, institutional, and environmental developmental process. If the infrastructure is not maintained…

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Infrastructure: A Special Reference to PPP in Telangana State

B. Amarender Reddy and Sathya Sai Laxmi P.

Urban infrastructure in the context of Indian scenario is in the transition phase of development which has been recognized as an important factor to sustain economic growth of the nation. It is observed that the quality, efficiency and productivity…

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Historical Background of Municipal Regulations of Bihar

Yogendra Tripathi

This is an article about History of Municipal Regulations of Bihar. As we know Bihar along with Orissa was part of Bengal which was governed…

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