- Prelude Seminar “Role of Panchayat Bodies in Rural Development since 1959”. (12 Oct. 2011)
- Sarvodaya Day on 30 January, 2012.
- A lecture on Management and Conservation of Tanks: A Responsibility of all of us. (5 March, 2012)
- The Karnataka Guarantee of Services to Citizens Act 2011. (17 March, 2012)
- In collaboration with Dr. B.R. Ambedkar R&E Centre and Centre for the study of Social Inclusion and Inclusive Policy, the Prelude Conference on `Reservation and Inclusive Growth’. (13 Oct. 2010)
- In collaboration with J.S.S. Law College and PRS Legislative Research, New Delhi, a Seminar on `Behaviour of Legislatures, Legislators and the Anti-Defection Law. (20 Nov. 2010)
- A programme jointly with Gopalaswamy Professional Degree College was organized on ‘The Role and Importance of the Voter in Improving Indian Democracy’. (25 Jan. 2011)
- The Branch in collaboration with Nehru Yuva Kendra organized Sarvodaya Day. (30 Jan. 2011)
- In collaboration with Dr. B.R.A. Research & Extension Centre, University of Mysore and Institute of Dev. and Empowerment a Lecture on `Empowering the Unemployed: New Perspectives on NREGA’ by Prof. James Manor, Institute of Common Wealth Studies, University of London. (12 Feb. 2011)
- Discussion on ‘Black Money – Causes, Consequences and Remedies’ in collaboration with the Institute of Engineers (India) and Mysore Grahakara Parishad. (11 March, 2011)
Dr. K.C. Basavaraj from 2016
Hony Secretary
Prof. Muzaffar H. Assadi from 2002
Address for Communication
IIPA Mysore Local Branch
C/o Deptt. of Political Science
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri,
Mysore-570006 (Karnataka)