Our Burdwan Local Branch was formally recognized by the parent body in 1996.However, we started preparing the ground work from 1994-'95 at the initiative and under the leadership of our the then founder Chairman, Professor Mohit Bhattacarya, two consecutive term Vice Chancellor, Burdwan University and also faculty member of IIPA New Delhi for more than a decade. We used to function from the Vice Chancellor's office. Prof Bhattacharya was honored with Paul Appleby award too at the IIPA. Most of the members, whose membership applications were proposed and seconded, were from the teaching fraternity. Only a few were from the district administration. University officials like Trust Officer, Controller of Examinations, Inspector of Colleges and lately Pro Vice Chancellor were our members. We used to organize seminars and workshops only in the initial stages. Shri Peeyush Pande, former Superintendent of Police, however used to give lectures to the students of Law (BU). Among the District Magistrates of Burdwan, who were ex-officio Vice Chairmen of our branch, as per our approved bye-laws, used to interact with us frequently. Dr Subrata Gupta, IAS, among other DMs was very much enthusiastic and sometimes, went out of way to help us. But the office space which was allotted by him at the seat of District Administration was never physically made available to us, as Office of the Burdwan Local Branch. We used to undertake field work too in the remote areas at the behest of the district administration. We undertook evaluative work of the flagship project MGNREGA in some pockets of undivided Burdwan District as requested by the DM, Dr Soumitra Mohan, IAS. We used to publish newsletters regularly in the past. Now we are not being able to publish it recently. Being a founder member myself (Dr Bijoy Chand) I was nominated for the reconstruction of District Gazeteer. I was invited to join in some of the programmes to celebrate National Voters Day in my capacity as Secretary of the Local Branch. Since our Chairman passed away in April, 2020,we have Dr Shorosimohan Dan as Officiating Chairman. He has so far adored the post of Controller of Examinations ,Registrar, Pro Vice Chancellor and Vice Chancellor and lately as peer of NAAC teams. So our Branch is working under his dynamic leadership at present.
Number of Members-19
Lecture Meeting
Lecture Meeting
Other Activities
Role of Digital Technology in Governance (Prelude Seminar) (Oct. 3, 2018)
Prelude Seminar on “Strengthening of Ethics and Morality in Governance.”(Oct. 5, 2016)
Prelude Seminar on “Higher Education at Cross-Roads.(3 Oct. 2015)
Prof. Mohit Bhattacharya
Email: prof.mohit@gmail.com
Dr. Bijoy Chand
Email: bijoy.chand@gmail.com
Address for Communication
IIPA Burdwan Local Branch
Alamganj, Antardanga (Near Mota Shibtala)
P.O. Nutanganj,
Burdwan-713102 (W.B.)